FoxOwl - Western Astrology and Chinese Astrology

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FoxOwl - Western Astrology and Chinese Astrology in Köniz

Chat with FoxOwl - Western Astrology and Chinese Astrology in Köniz instantly. 10-15 years of experience in Chinese Astrology. ********************Aho! My name is Fox Owl. You can call me just Fox if you want. I am known by many names including pain in the butt. But I digress. My ancestry is Meixcan and Native American. The women in my family are all healers, seers or magic workers of some form or another. Not all of them or good and not all of them are bad. But as I always say to each his/her own Path. We must walk our own walk, learn our own lesson. For some repeatedly. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** MY WALK…............... I walk in a humble way… meaning I am no greater than anyone or anything on this planet. When gathering knowledge or scared power it is not ego trip for me but act of service. I am only a vessel for spirit to use to share truth and love. My spirit is older than time… but my heart is young and free! I am running across the meadow swimming to the deepest parts of the ocean and flying through the stratosphere. I am one with all things! I see the Past, Present, and Future! I am the teacher as well as the student! I am always learning growing forward and onward! ***************************************************************************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************************************************************************** LOVE & LIGHT!!!! AWAKEN FROM YOUR SLUMBER SWEET DREAMERS AND HEALERS!!!!! THE TIME is NOW!! *******************************************(((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))********************************************************** My Tools: My tiny brain , MY BIG Heart my two ears!! I only have 2 sorry… LOL I do have some Purple Fox ear I wear from time to time! Tee Hee…. : ) ************************************************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************************************************** My toys/playthings: TAROT DECKS ( 50 year old Thoth deck, wild wood deck, golden dawn, angle therapy, and my astrology deck) CRYSTALS (focusing and cleansing) CANDLES ( prayers and spell work ) SAGE ( to honor spirit and for protection MIRROR ( To Scry or see into the past present and future ) STONES ( to ground and to use the vibrations when they are need for different areas) MUSIC ( I do sing i believe this is healing I know many chants Native -Wiccan -Hindu- Old and New Silly and serious) INCENSES ( my favorites scents are Dragons Blood- Eucalyptus- Frankincense-Myrrh- Night Jasmine- Patchouli ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ********** So how may I be of Service to you or those around you? ************* * Dream interpretation ----------- wakening visions or nocturnal * Numerology ------------------------Life Path Number Reading *Relationship Healer --------------- How to find your Soul mate, How to avoid power struggles. *Life Coach --------------------- All that old negative programming throw it away,adjust your television sets to VISIONARY mode! *Accurate Tarot Reader ----------- I been reading tarot since I was 14yrs so 15 years total * Past Life Reader ------------------- I ask that you please send email Request As I Scry for this information to be completely accurate * Animal spirit/totem ---------- If you have done one or more reading ia m pretty good at picking up on this quickly otherwise send email Request As I Scry for this information to be completely accurate *Medicine Women- ----------Helping you find your guides as well as helping you find the correct path * Empathic--------------------- I feel your energies and the underling emotions * Spiritual Healer ------------- Crystal healing. Reiki, guided meditation, soul release and Prayer **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************LIGHT***************WISDOM ************ LOVE************************************* **********Fox Medicine- The fox has knowledge of underground things hidden from human eyes, and this is shared with the dreamer, telling the dreamer of roots and herbs that are healing and curing; fox shares the powers of swiftness and cleverness as well as gentleness. In this gentleness, there is strength and courage, as indicated by one of the songs of the Fox Society; "I am a Fox. I am supposed to die. If there is anything difficult, if there is anything Fox's medicine of camouflage teaches Oneness with all. ******************Owl Medicine- is a feminine trait and is symbolically associated with clairvoyance, astral projection, and magic. **********************************************INNER WISDOM**************************************************************** Most of the medicine is an offering which connects you with your Higher Self to best serve you.

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